The Albuquerque Metro area is home to Kirtland Air Force Base, Sandia Labs, Air Force Research Labs, and the Sandia Science & Technology Park, and we are proud to support our military community! From the moment a customer walks through the door of Vista Encantada Realtors, their experience is unlikely to be found in any other brokerage. Our boutique offers a warm, inviting space that immediately puts them at ease, while simultaneously providing seamless service from highly qualified experts.
By working with our company you will be in the hands of some of the most experienced people in the business. Though small, we have a large presence in the local real estate community. Our ranks include past Presidents, Treasurers and Board Members for both local and state associations and four have previously been named REALTOR of the year for the Albuquerque area. Our owner and Qualifying Broker was appointed by our Governor to serve on the New Mexico Real Estate Commission and is currently the President.
Service at Vista Encantada includes more than an expertly organized transaction. Satisfying the customer’s needs begins with experienced handling of every aspect of the sale. Brokers are attentive to the smallest of details throughout the transaction. We welcome you to our world!
* Rebates are not allowed in all states. In some states, a gift card or commission credit at closing may be
provided in lieu of the Cash-Back bonus. You must register with LeadingRE Heroes before contacting
a real estate agent and be represented by the assigned real estate firm at closing to qualify. All real estate
transactions are negotiable. Other terms and conditions may apply.
Headquarters: 161 N. Clark St. Suite 1200 | Chicago, IL 60601 USA Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity