US Mom Blog

Konmari Cleaning Before a Move - With Kids

Moving is hard. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. There are so many things you need to take into consideration in the process. Where are you going, how are you getting there, and picking the right people to help you along the way.

If you have children, the process just got harder. Two fold. There is nothing more difficult in the moving process than doing it with children. Emotionally and physically.

It’s hard enough telling your kids that you are moving. But you also have to figure out what to do with their stuff. They have a lot of stuff. You have a home to sell. Your real estate agent is going to come in and tell you to make room! Clean closets, pick up the toys, and take down the posters. They are going to stand in your kitchen and stare at the bottles, formula, Cheese Nips, dirty dishes and the 3 o’clock snack remnants and tell you it all has to go. Not only do you have to clean it, it has to stay clean. Your home needs to look like it isn’t lived in. And you are going to think your agent is crazy. But you also want to make as much money on your home as you can. And this is the professional who is going to help you do that. Here are a few tips to help you out along the way.

  1. Start before the agent comes to your house the first time. As a home owner, you know the problem areas. There is that one closet that you just won’t open because you can’t bare to look at the soccer balls, stroller, pet toys and baby gate that are going to come tumbling out. Tackle it! Your agent is going to have a list of things that you need to do to your home. Take the ones you are already aware of off your plate. It will make the list much less daunting.  Use Marie Kondo’s method to decide what to keep and what to let go of.
  2. Ask your agent for 24 hour notice before all showings. This can be put directly in the listing sheet. Be sure to ask if this is feasible in your area, but if it is, take the time! That way if you just didn’t have the energy to pick up all the Legos, or just vacuum them up, you have a little breathing room. However, remember you never want to turn down a showing. This is what gets your home sold. Get as many people in as possible. Sometimes buyers only have so much time on their hands.
  1. Prepare your kids. Prepare them that they are going to have to pack some of their stuff away while you are trying to sell the house. Help them decide what the most important things are to them and leave those out. Remember that the home needs to be in showing condition. Prepare them for the fact that they are going to need to help you keep it that way.
  2. Storage units can be a gift from God. It doesn’t have to look pretty. You don’t have to organize it. You can just fill it up. There are even companies that will drop a pod off at your house, you fill it and they come pick it up and move it to the storage unit for you. Take advantage!
  3. Use your agent’s expertise. They are also going to have all kinds of tips and advice to help you make this transition as easy as possible. This is not their first time through the process. They know what you are going through and they are there to help. It’s their job!

Moving with kids isn’t easy. Moving isn’t easy. Try to make it as smooth for yourself as possible. Start early, be prepared, and prepare your family. Then make sure you are using every resource available to you.

This is a guest post from Anastacia Peterson, incoming coordinator at Baird & Warner

To find out more about Baird & Warner, or if you are looking to buy or sell their home and would want to take advantage of the benefit you are entitled under this program, check them out here:

* Rebates are not allowed in all states. In some states, a gift card or commission credit at closing may be provided in lieu of the Cash-Back bonus. You must register with LeadingRE Heroes before contacting a real estate agent and be represented by the assigned real estate firm at closing to qualify. All real estate transactions are negotiable. Other terms and conditions may apply.

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